How to decorate a Candy Candy Christmas Tree?
Hello, this is Elfie from MODA FLORA Santa’s Workshop, in this video I am going to show you how to set up our Candy Cane Christmas Tree on MODA FLORA Santa’s Workshop AGHL6 Artificial Christmas Tree. You can find all the materials I use in this video HERE
This is a 6 Foot high Xmas tree that comes in 3 sections. To start, place the tree stand on the floor.
Next, before adding the tree sections, we will put the red material tree skirt instead of at the end, because this fluffy red tree skirt we are using only have a hole in the middle without opening, so we need to put the tree skirt on first before the tree body. For 6 and 7 Foot tree we are using 120cm wide tree skirt, we also have 90cm tree skirt for smaller tree.
Following inserting the tree skirt, insert the bottom section into the tree stand, put on 3 screws provided to the tree stand and tighten at the bottom of the tree. This will make the tree stable
Don’t forget to put the gloves on before you fluff the tree.
Fluff out each branches from bottom to top. Insert the next section and connect the lights. Keep going until you finish the whole tree.
We will just decorate this tree with the standard lights without adding extra lights.
We will decorate this tree with 3 types of wired ribbons, to start with we will Lay this RED VELVET WHITE FRAYED RIBBON together with RED VELVET DIAGONAL STRIPE ribbon and cascade it down the tree from the top to the bottom. We use the tree branches to secure the ribbon in place. If you are using fresh Christmas tree, you can use floral wire or ornament hooks to secure the ribbon in place.
You may make some 2-3 loops half bows along the way as you cascade down the tree. Make sure you tuck the ribbon towards the centre of the tree. We finish the ribbon by cutting it on angle.
Next we use this CANDY CANE RIBBON, also cascade it from the top to the bottom.
You may finish the rest of the tree using the same technique to decorate the tree.
This is how it looks when we finish the tree with ribbons.
Next, we are decorating the tree top with these beautiful picks.
Next we are going to add these candy cane ornaments and this Candy cane sign to the tree.
Next are going to make a big bow tree topper by using 2 types of ribbons making a double layer 5 half loops and then tie the ribbon at the bottom. We use floral wire to secure the bow on the tree top.
We then fill the gap on the tree top by adding this spiral pick with glitter berries.
We trim the end of the tree topper bow by cutting it in fish tail shape.
In this box also have glittered red and white snow flakes and icicles ornaments.
Next, we hang the small ornaments on the rim of the tree.
In addition to the Ornament set, we fill the gap with these extra basic red and white shatterproof ornaments, just tuck it toward to the centre of the tree to add more depth.
Finally, we fill the empty spaces with red berries, you can then add the red berries pick to the tree which will add more shape and texture to the tree.